Address for Future is a project that aims to increase the skills of young people, trainers and adults about additive manufacturing technology, which is seen as one of the technologies of the future and its usage area is increasing day by day, and to deliver this quality vocational training content to more people through digital tools.
ADDress is a project aimed at training AM technologies as a subject to economic empowerment by networking. There is a need to bring together and develop existing knowledge on AM. Many countries are trying to integrate this issue into their policies. In addition, one of the most difficult positions in some European countries are AM operator and AM engineering.
With transnational cooperation, it is aimed to help to increase the knowledge and learning to reduce regional inequalities and to facilitate the exchange of information, strengthening disadvantaged regions, capacity building and learning from others, and to benefit from methods and solutions developed or applied elsewhere in the region. It is aimed to develop new approaches, methodologies and practices in the ADDress project with partners from different countries and disciplines, and to increase the benefit by spreading the experiences of the partners. The common difficulties of AM between partners are related to the non-integrity of the studies and their compatibility with the industry. For this reason, both academic and business world-based participants were included in the project. In this way, more need-oriented results will be produced by preventing time losses.
This project has been developed to support the building of a Europe-wide training zone with using digital tools that will enable the development of trainers, professionals and NEETs with a lifelong learning perspective.
According to the World Economic Forum, 50% of all employees will need reskilling by 2025, as adoption of technology increases. Half of employees will need to reskill in the next five years, as the "double-disruption" of the economic impacts of the pandemic and increasing automation transforming jobs takes hold. As seen in CEDEFOP's "Matching skills and jobs in Europe, 2015" report, to avoid skill mismatch, 53% of adult employees had to learn new things continuously.
Around 26% of adult employees have significant skill deficits leaving much scope to improve skills and productivity. Onthe other hand, in recent years, significant changes have been experienced in the global market with the impact of digital transformation and developments in R&D. Additive manufacturing is positioned as a new production method as a result of the studies carried out in areas where conventional manufacturing is insufficient, and it changes the competencies of both Blue Collar and White Collar technical roles. However, due to reasons such as pandemic conditions, commercial losses causing restriction of R&D studies and inequality of opportunity in education, sufficient tools and resources cannot be found for the introduction of this new method, awareness of business owners, and training of individuals. In the report of “Paradigm Change in Production, Additive Production, Three Dimensional Printers” published by the Turkish Presidency Strategy and Budget Department in July 2019, AM technologies were examined in terms of country production conditions and some policies were developed and strategical plans were made.
Additive manufacturing has been determined as one of the top 10 technologies for the future vision in TÜBİTAK's studies as well. Studies on AM across Europe are taking place in specific areas, and the focus on individuals trained for AM, which is the vital issue for developing technologies,remains dispersed within these projects. In this respect, it is important to create a framework with a project involving partners from different countries and disciplines. This project aims to support the building of a Europe-wide education space that will enable the development of educators, professionals and young people with a lifelong learning perspective, thus promoting sustainable growth, quality jobs and innovation. On Additive Manufacturing technologies, in order to increase the competitiveness in the European industry and to customize the products by developing future technologies of the future and to add value to them,
ADDress's goals are;
- Ensuring the integration of Additive Manufacturing into the existing production ecosystem,
- Dissemination of technology by increasing the awareness and application level of the manufacturing industry regarding additive manufacturing technology,
- Development of the additive manufacturing ecosystem at national and international level by focusing on cooperation networks and human resources, sharing policies and good practices,
- Development of upskilling needs for Additive Manufacturing in VET and integration to training at different levels,
- Building up innovative training technologies in Additive Manufacturing for engineers, blue collar workers, academicians and NEETs,
- Supporting start-up and spin-off companies operating for encouraging entrepreneurship in Additive Manufacturing industry, 7. Increasing the capacities by strengthening the public-university industry partnership and transferring innovative skill development practices at the institutional level. The ADDress project will contribute to social and economic transformation across Europe by benefiting the individual who has no more opportunities to achieve these goals, applying the green deal approach in a still developing technology and contributing to the digital transformation of individuals with AM, which is called the digital conversion production method.
Work Packages of ADDres for Future:
- Project Management: In this work package, contractual and administrative tasks; project planning and monitoring including Management and Risks (MR) Plan, budget control, reporting’s and timelines, communication with partners and NA, overall project coordination activities will be held under the leadership of CEF with participation of all partners.
- Identification and Analysis: AM world will be dealt with in detail, workshop, literature review and interviews will be implemented for efficiency of the project results. This work package will be carried out under the leadership of CEF with participation of all partners. EU-Wide Additive Manufacturing Strategies Review and Potential Additive Manufacturing User Company Inventories will be created.
- Qualification: AM-based curricula will be analyzed in line with first 2 project outputs, a comparison will be made between countries, a new curriculum recommendation list will be prepared and opinions will be taken. Gazi University will lead work package. Collection and Classification of Curriculums by Partner Countries, Evaluation of Curricula within The Framework of Strategy and Gap-fit Analysis will be carried out. Presenting Curriculum Proposal to The Relevant Educational Institutions in the Partner Countries and Receiving Their Opinions will be the results.
- Mapping: This work package is the most critical stage for the effectiveness of trainings, one of the project results. Work package will be led by UPM with the support of other partners in order to produce trainings exactly compatible with industrial needs, an important claim of project. Activities are; Survey Study for Current Competency Situation Analysis of The Target Human Resources, Determination of Required Additive Manufacturing Critical Skills, Critical Skills Workshop and Comparison and Finalization of AM Operator, Production Engineer and Designer Competency Profile with IAMQS Standards.
- Training Curriculum Designs: In this work package, partners from both business world and academic - education will take part together. Bologna University will take lead of package. Main activities are Preparation of AM Technology Training Modules and Preparation of Entrepreneurship Trainings L.T.T. activities.
- Design of Learning Tools: With the lead of Bursa Governorship, digital training platform and content designs will be held via Establishing Digital Platform infrastructure, Benchmarks, Service Procurement Activities, Content Design, Digital Platform Pilot Studies and Determining The Membership Model.
- .Dissemination: We will also focus on dissemination of the project with the activities like Implementing Communications Plans, Platform Promotion Activities, Activities to Feed Platform with Continuous Content and to Increase Participation to Network.
- AM Training Network: In this WP, lead by CESOL, a platform will be created for different partnerships and collaborations, where all developments related to education and AM industry will be shared and Additive for Green Competition will be done. Main activities are Disseminating Platform Ecosystem Model Through Membership, Additive for Green Contest, Feeding The Platform with New Training-Events and Platform Visibility Activities.
ADDress Results
- National and International Level Additive Manufacturing Industry Strategic Framework
- Integration of Additive Manufacturing Curriculums into training organizations
- Additive Manufacturing Technologies Skill Map
- Work force Transformation Program Tools and Platform Design
- Partners with improved capacity through collaborations with the ability to act jointly, to increase the capacity of professionals and NGOs, to create and share new approaches
- Trainers who have gained new skills and metacognitive awareness to digitize educational contents
- Green awareness in design and production of AM products
- Academicians and technical professionals gained new skills for digital transformation