Closing Conference of the International Address for Future Erasmus+ Project Completed!At the end of the closing conference of the project focusing on additive manufacturing technologies across Europe, we also held the award ceremony of ...

We Met in Bulgaria for the 5th MeetingWe met in Bulgaria for 5th meeting of ADDRess for Future project, to evaluate curriculum reviews in the field of additive manufacturing.

An important training was organized to raise awareness in the field of additive manufacturingAn important training was organized to raise awareness in the field of additive manufacturing and to train qualified people

The Virtual Training of Trainers Program Has Commenced!The Virtual Training of Trainers program; featuring an integral Learning, Teaching, and Training (LTT) activity under the umbrella of the Address for ...

We Met in Italy for Fourth Transnational Meeting We met in Italy for fourth transnational meeting of ADDRess for Future project, to evaluate curriculum reviews in the field of additive manufacturing....

23rd Welding and Joining Technologies Seminar In the 23rd Welding and Joining Technologies seminar organized by the Spanish Welding Federation in Spain, CEV Program Manager Vesile Bahtiyar and Gaz...

We Met in France for Second Transnational Meeting We met in France for second transnational meeting of ADDRess for Future project, to evaluate curriculum reviews in the field of additive manufacturing...

You Can Join Our SurveyYou are about to participate in the most comprehensive strategic survey in the field of additive manufacturing within the European Union project.

We Held the First Evaluation MeetingWe held the first evaluation meeting of our "Address for Future" Erasmus+ K220 Project in Bursa, Türkiye.

Project Kick-off will be held on September 19-20!Project Kick-off will be held on September 19-20!

Our first online kick-off meeting was heldWithin the scope of the project, we came together with our partners and held our first online meeting.

Our project will be supported by the European Union Erasmus+ ProgramOur project will be supported by the European Union.