We Met in France for Second Transnational Meeting We met in France for second transnational meeting of ADDRess for Future project, to evaluate curriculum reviews in the field of additive manufacturing. 23
We met in France for second transnational meeting of ADDRess for Future project, to evaluate curriculum reviews in the field of additive manufacturing.
We would like to thank the European Powder Metallurgy Association team for hosting. Also thank you to our partners are Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, LOT-CONSULT, infoTRON - 3D Teknoloji Çözümleri, T.C. Bursa Valiliği, CESOL Asoc. Española Soldadura y Tec. de Unión, Gazi Üniversitesi and Coşkunöz Eğitim Vakfı for their valuable research.