We Met in Bulgaria for the 5th MeetingWe met in Bulgaria for 5th meeting of ADDRess for Future project, to evaluate curriculum reviews in the field of additive manufacturing. 18
We came together at the 5. transnational meeting of the ADDRess for Future project at the New Bulgarian University in Bulgaria.
The establishment of the e-learning platform with the most comprehensive Additive Manufacturing curriculum in Europe, Green Contest which supports green transformation and sustainability in the field of Additive Manufacturing and the ongoing work of the project were evaluated.
We would like to thank the LOT-CONSULT team for hosting. We would also like to thank our partners Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, LOT-CONSULT, T.C. Bursa Governorship, CESOL Asoc. Española Soldadura y Tec. de Unión, Gazi University and Coşkunöz Education Foundation for their valuable research.